Emission Line Search List

This file contains a list of emission lines used by emsao to determine an initial velocity guess if vel_init is "search". Each line contains:
- Center wavelength of line in angstroms
- Starting wavelength in angstroms for search for this line
- Ending wavelength in angstroms for search for this line
- Name of line (terminated by end of line or space)
- Optional comment
This is the default list contained in rvsao$lib/emsearch.dat:
3727.30 3700.0 4000.0 OII  # -2,100 to +22,000 km/sec
4861.33 4840.0 4990.0 Hb   # -1,300 to  +7,900 km/sec
5006.84 4990.0 5400.0 OII  # -1,000 to +23,500 km/sec
6562.82 6500.0 7700.0 Ha   # -2,800 to +33,675 km/sec
Sometimes it is better to search without the OII and Hb lines which often detect cosmic rays. This file is in rvsao$lib/emhsrch.dat:
6562.82 6500.0 7700.0 Ha   # -2,800 to +33,675 km/sec
A second list with night sky lines is in rvsao$lib/skysearch.dat:
5577.35 5560.0 5590.0 O1