rv> lpar bcvcorr
spectra = "" List of input spectra
(specnum = "0") Spectrum aperture range if multispec or 2-D fil
(specdir = "") Directory for input spectra
(keyra = "RA") Right ascension header keyword
(keydec = "DEC") Declination header keyword
(keyeqnx = "EQUINOX") Coordinate equinox header keyword
(ra = 4.6993444444444) Right ascension of observation
(dec = 5.6095277777778) Declination of observation
(equinox = "2000") Coordinate equinox header keyword
(keyhjd = "HJDN") Header keyword for heliocentric Julian date at
(keyjd = "GJDN") Header keyword for Julian date at middle of obs
(keydate = "DATE-OBS") Header keyword for date of observation (dd/mm/y
(keystart = "UT") Header keyword for UT at start of observation
(keymid = " ") Header keyword for UT in middle of observation
(keyend = " ") Header keyword for UT at end of observation
(keyexp = "EXPOSURE") Header keyword for duration of observation in s
(hjd = 0.) Heliocentric Julian Date of observation
(gjd = 2450678.6448) Julian Date of observation
(year = INDEF) UT year of observation
(month = INDEF) UT month of observation
(day = INDEF) UT day of month of observation
(ut = INDEF) Universal Time of observation
(obsname = "test") Observatory name--file to read from image heade
(keyobs = "SITENAME") Observatory name header keyword
(keylat = "SITELAT") Observatory latitude header keyword
(keylong = "SITELONG") Observatory longitude header keyword
(keyalt = "SITEALT") Observatory altitude header keyword
(obslong = 155.46666666667) Observatory longitude
(obslat = 19.816666666667) Observatory latitude
(obsalt = 41000.) Observatory altitude in meters
(savebcv = no) Save result in IRAF data file header (yes or no
(verbose = yes) Displays heliocentric and barycentric correctio
(debug = yes) Displays intermediate results
(mode = "ql")