RVSAO -- An IRAF package to obtain radial velocities from spectra The package RVSAO defined in this directory was developed by Doug Mink at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics from the redshift package originally written by Gerard Kriss at Johns Hopkins University and modified significantly by Steve Levine at the University of Wisconsin. It obtains radial velocities and velocity dispersions using cross-correlation methods or emission line fits. It consists of eight tasks: XCSAO, EMSAO, PXCSAO, PEMSAO, BCVCORR, SUMSPEC, LINESPEC, and EQWIDTH. If you have any problems, please contact Doug Mink, mink@cfa.harvard.edu. A task, RELEARN, has been provided to aid in updating parameters. Run it instead of UNLEARN to keep your current parameters settings while adding new parameters. A set of templates commonly used at the CfA is included in the Templates/ subdirectory. Someday, there will be documentation about them. After the Revision Notes, you will find installation instructions. A fairly complete description of this package has been published in the August 1998 issue of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1998PASP..110..934K For later publications, see http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/iraf/rvsao/ *************************************************************************** 2.6.5 July 8, 2008 EQWIDTH: Add error computation and 3 additional reporting modes EQWIDTH: Add bandfilt parameter to indicate whether band filters are present EQWIDTH: Add bandcont parameter to indicate whether continuum names are present EQWIDTH: Add banddir to specify directory for band file EMPLOT: New task to plot spectra and label lines without fitting emission lines SKYPLOT: New task to plot sky spectra and label emission lines XCPLOT: New task to plot spectra without cross-correlating (a simpler splot) XCSAO,PXCSAO: Fix transform filtering so that zero-padded spectra really are unfiltered. The toplo, topnrun, and nrun numbers are now doubled when zeropad=yes, as they should have been all along. XCSAO,PXCSAO,SUMSPEC: Fix old bug with log wavelength SUMS rebinning. Bad velocities were possible if using log-wavelength templates which were not created using SUMS rebinning. XCSAO,PXCSAO,EMSAO,PEMSAO: Fix results printing subroutines so they have fewer string constants so they will compile on Solaris IRAF getimage.x: Fix recent bug which caused problems if file name extensions assumed rebin.x: Compute edges of pixels for SUMS log wavelength rebinning in rebinl() CL scripts have been moved into the Scripts/ subdirectory. 2.6.4 May 9, 2008 XCSAO, EMSAO, SUMSPEC: if bad line file line name starts with "pix", interpolate between specified pixels rather than specified wavelengths. XCSAO,PXCSAO: If SUBCONT=F in object header, continuum is not removed. XCSAO,PXCSAO: If filling between pixel limits, fill template(s), too. Ignore world argument in getimage.x; resetting header parameters confuses shdr_open() when there is a nonlinear IRAF spectrum WCS. EMSAO, XCSAO: increase maximum number of emission lines to 500 for multi-order ThAr spectra. EMSAO,PEMSAO: If wavelength limit parameters are negative go in the absolute value of that many Angstroms from the appropriate end of the spectrum. EMSAO,PEMSAO: Increase maximum number of combination emisson line sets from 5 to 20 SUMSPEC: Add missing argument in addspec() call to filllist() PEMSAO: Save mean velocity to meanvel parameter and error to meanerr parameter PXCSAO: Save as parameters median and quartile velocities for echelle LISTSPEC: New task to print spectra 2.6.3 February 11, 2008 XCSAO,PXCSAO: Increase maximum number of templates to 3000 XCSAO: Add report mode 18 for TRES results 2.6.2 January 14, 2008 SUMSPEC: Fix bug so spectra can be added again PXCSAO: Save mean velocity shift of apertures (=orders) if echelle 2.6.1 October 15, 2007 SUMSPEC: Fix boolean check in writetemp.x so it compiles on MacIntel XCSAO: Fix boolean check in xcplot.x so it compiles on MacIntel 2.6.0 September 3, 2007 PXCSAO: New task which writes best template, velocity, error, and r-value to its parameter file to make it easier to use in CL scripts. PEMSAO: New task which writes number of lines fit, velocity, error, height, width, and equivalent width of the first emission line in its list to make it easier to use in CL scripts. XCSAO,PXCSAO: Drop all cache pointers from xcfit.x and rvsao.com. Add xplt.com containing pointers for plotting buffers in xcplot.x and xcorplot.x. They are allocated to the maximum size needed and freed at the end of t_xcsao.x and t_pxcsao.x. QPLOT: Fix dropped line in xcfit.x so this works like before BCVCORR: Dropped commas from prompt for parameter savejd in bcvcorr.par See the NEWS file for the earlier history of the software. *************************************************************************** To install this package in your local IRAF system, take the following steps: 1) The package is distributed as a tar archive; IRAF is distributed with a tar reader. The tar archive may be obtained by magnetic tape or anonymous ftp. For magnetic tape go to step [2] and when reading the tar archive simply mount the tape and use the tape device name for the archive name in step [4]. To obtain the package via ftp (assuming a UNIX computer): % ftp cfa-ftp.harvard.edu login: anonymous password: [your user name] ftp> cd pub/iraf ftp> get rvsao-2.6.5.readme ftp> binary ftp> get rvsao-2.6.5.tar.gz ftp> quit % ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 mink xxxx xxx xx xx:xx rvsao-2.6.5.readme -rw-r--r-- 1 mink xxxxxx xxx xx xx:xx rvsao-2.6.5.tar.gz % 2) Create a directory to contain the RVSAO external package files. This directory should be outside the IRAF directory tree and must be owned by the IRAF account. In the following examples, this root directory is /local/rvsao/. Make the appropriate file name substitutions for your site. 3) Log in as IRAF and edit the extern.pkg file in the hlib directory to define the package to the CL. From the IRAF account, outside the CL, you can move to this directory with the command: % cd $hlib Define the environment variable rvsao to be the pathname to the rvsao root directory. UNIX pathnames must be terminated with a '/'. Edit extern.pkg to include: reset rvsao = /rvsao-2.6.5/ task rvsao.pkg = rvsao$rvsao.cl or, to avoid conflicts with earlier versions or the IRAF rv package, reset r2rvsao = /rvsao-2.6.5/ task r2rvsao.pkg = r2rvsao$r2rvsao.cl Near the end of the hlib$extern.pkg file, update the definition of helpdb so it includes the rvsao help database, copying the syntax already used in the string. Add this line before the line containing a closing quote: ,rvsao$lib/helpdb.mip\ or, if using r2rvsao, ,r2rvsao$lib/helpdb2.mip\ 4) Add to hlib$clpackage.men the package description: rvsao - Radial velocity package from SAO or, if using r2rvsao, r2rvsao - Radial velocity package from SAO 5) Unpack the tar file into the RVSAO root directory. On a UNIX system, where ftpdir is the pathname of the directory into which the package was ftp'ed and rvsao is the RVSAO root directory: % cd $rvsao (or $r2rvsao) % cd .. % zcat $ftpdir/rvsao-2.6.5.tar.gz | tar xvf - The archive file can be deleted once the package has been successfully installed. 6) Restart IRAF and "cd rvsao" or "cd r2rvsao". 7) Symbolically link the appropriate binary directory to bin. bin is originally linked to bin.generic for distribution. On a SPARCstation running Solaris, type cl> mkpkg ssun On a PC running Redhat Linux, type cl> mkpkg redhat On an Apple Macintosh running OS X on an Intel processor, type cl> mkpkg macintel On an Apple Macintosh running OS X, type cl> mkpkg macosx On a PC running Cygwin, type cl> mkpkg cygwin On a PC running Linux, type cl> mkpkg linux For other architectures, make a directory of the proper bin.{arch} name, and link it to bin 8) Make the package by typing cl> mkpkg update >&spool The spool file should be reviewed upon completion to make sure there were no errors. 9) Up-to-date hypertext help is available on the World Wide Web at http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/iraf/rvsao/ -Doug Mink, SAO Telescope Data Center, 2008-05-09