TRES spectra

Processing TRES Spectrograph Data
Jessica Mink, 2023-May-08 2018-October-22

Telescope Data Center
TRES ThAr Image
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All TRES data since July 6, 2020 has been reduced this way


Commands to Reduce Last Night's Data

4. Re-run TRES classification IDL pipeline

  1. treclass re-classifies last night's data in /home/tres/idl/tres using reduce_tres, the second part of Lars' IDL pipeline.
    treclass [yyyy-mm-dd] reclassifies any other night of TRES data.

    For each night, the following tasks are run:

    • classify_tres [yyyy-mm-dd] runs the tres_classifyx IDL script to classify all of the spectra on a given night
    • tresreclass1 [yyyy-mm-dd] redoes all of the housekeeping.
      1. tresblaze removes the blaze function order by order from each of the spectrum files and place the results in ~/tred/[yyyy-mm-dd]/b/ with the same names.
      2. Replace tres.db and tresps.db and TESS and K2 files.
      3. Update entries in overall /home/tres/tred tres.db and tresps.db.
      4. Run IDL update_tres to upload corrected spectra
      5. Email staff that spectra have been repaired.

    • reclass_tres takes less time to run the reduce_tres, but it's slow enough that the user might want a snapshot view of how far along it is, so this task lets you know.
      • tcp [yyyy-mm-dd] lists the Postscript classification files produced by reclass-tres using ll -lt in the directory /home/tres/tred/[yyyy-mm-dd]/classification/ with the newest ones first. Since there will be a significant gap in times between the original pipeline classification and the post-cleaning reclassification, the progress of the reclassification process can be monitored.
        tcp without an argument looks at files from last night.

      • tcl [yyyy-mm-dd] follows the end of the classification log in /home/tres/tred/[yyyy-mm-dd]/tres_classifyx_[yyyymmdd]-[hh:mm:ss].log
        tcl without an argument tracks the end of last night's classification log.

    • Data is now ready to be searched with tresearch about which much more has already been written.
      • Type "tresearch" to get a list of commands.
      • Searches can be done by object name or position.

1. Create and catalog TRES raw data archive

2. Run TRES reduction and classification IDL pipeline

3. Check TRES spectra and clean cosmic rays and hot pixels

4. Re-run TRES classification IDL pipeline

5. Run multi-order cross-correlations of red TRES spectra

6. Run multi-order cross-correlations of selected TRES spectra

> treclass
TRECLASS: Reclassifying 26 /home/tres/tred/2023-04-25/log.list TRES spectra for night of 2023-04-25
[1] 701
TRECLASS: 26 /home/tres/tred/2023-04-25/log.list TRES spectra for night of 2023-04-25 Reclassified
fleming.tres 60> /bin/rm: No match.
/bin/rm: No match.
/bin/rm: No match.
classify_tres1 2023-04-25
inputDir is /home/tres/tred/2023-04-25
Spectrum directory is /home/tres/tred/2023-04-25
classify processing log to /home/tres/tred/2023-04-25/tres_classifyx_20230426-11:28:22.log

> ps
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
   701 pts/27   00:00:00 reclass_tres
   735 pts/27   00:00:00 classify_tres
   759 pts/27   00:00:00 classify_tres1
   787 pts/27   00:00:45 idl
   949 pts/27   00:00:00 ps
243270 pts/27   00:00:00 tcsh
>  RECLASS_TRES: Reclassification of TRES data for 2023-04-25 is complete
Here are the same spectra as Step 2 cleaned and reclassified:

Click for larger image

Click for larger image
Here are those same spectra with the blaze function removed:

Click for larger image

Click for larger image