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AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy Newsletter

November, 2003

DDA Secretary Last modified November 19, 2003 at 14:08


Henry Kandrup

I am sorry to have to report that DDA member Dr. Henry Kandrup (U. Florida) passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at his home on October 20. He was just 48. As many of you know, Dr. Kandrup was a very active researcher and teacher. Some of his accomplishments are listed at his web page, http://www.astro.ufl.edu/~kandrup/.

2004 Annual DDA Meeting

The DDA is holding its first overseas meeting, April 20-23, 2004, in Cannes, France. The Division's annual meetings are well-known for their friendly atmosphere and the excitement of exchange of modern nonlinear dynamics and celestial mechanics techniques. The local host is Alessandro Morbidelli (Observatoire Nice Cote d'Azur, morby@obs-nice.fr). Information, details, and images of the meeting location are easy to find at the DDA web site ( http://dda.harvard.edu/meetings/2004/) or directly at the local site ( http://www.obs-nice.fr/morby/DDA04/Welcome.html).

By design, the DDA Cannes meeting occurs the week before the general assembly of the European Geosciences Union in Nice (only 30 km from Cannes), so that both meetings may be combined in one trip. The opportunity for large numbers of dynamicists from Europe and the Americas to interact face-to-face portends an even livelier and more enriching meeting than usual. Details will be posted to the DDA web site as soon as they are available. You will receive further email messages as deadlines approach.

Call for Brouwer Award Nominations

The Brouwer Award Selection Committee (BASC) of the DDA invites nominations from any member of the AAS for an award competition. The Brouwer Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of dynamical astronomy, including celestial mechanics, astrometry, stellar systems, galactic and extragalactic dynamics. It is open to candidates of any age or nationality, occupation, or specific field of interest. The Award consists of an honorarium of $2000 plus an appropriate certificate.

Letters of nomination should cite the achievements in or contributions to dynamical astronomy that might appropriately be recognized by the Award. Nominations should be supported by copies of the vitae and bibliography of the nominee and by letters of recommendation from three knowledgeable people testifying to the long-term impact of the nominee's contributions to dynamical astronomy. Nominations and supporting documentation should be sent to the BASC Chair (from whom further information may be obtained) so as to be received not later than December 31, 2003:

Dr. Alar Toomre
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave., 2-371
Cambridge, MA 02139
Additional information regarding the Brouwer Award may also be found at the DDA web site.

DDA Student Stipend Program

For the tenth consecutive year, the Division is making available two student stipends to encourage student participation at the annual meetings. The stipends are $400 each, and meeting registration and abstract fees are waived. Any full or part-time student presently enrolled in an academic program at a college or university is eligible and encouraged to apply. For the 2004 meeting, submit an abstract of a paper for presentation, along with a letter of recommendation from an adviser, to:
Dr. Glen Stewart
Univ. of Colorado
Campus Box 392
Boulder, CO 80309
A deadline has not been determined yet but is likely to be near the beginning of February, 2004 -- check the web site for details.

DDA on the Web

The DDA has an ever-growing site on the Web, where we have all the latest news and information regarding the DDA, including how to become a member. The URL is http://dda.harvard.edu. You can also get there through the AAS homepage at http://www.aas.org. Send links to interesting web sites related to dynamical astronomy to the webmaster, Doug Mink, at dmink@cfa.harvard.edu.

Membership Dues

The AAS has informed us that AAS dues invoices have been mailed and should have arrived by now. Please renew as promptly as possible -- it helps the membership services people at AAS retain their sanity. Additionally, don't forget to
a) renew your DDA membership and

b) please contribute to the DDA's Brouwer Award fund.
If you have not yet received your AAS invoice, you should contact the AAS at
membership@aas.org to request another copy.
DDA Secretary Last modified November 19, 2003 at 14:08