DDA Homepage

AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy Newsletter

February, 1999

DDA Secretary


Dates and Deadlines

Here is a quick list of important dates and deadlines for the 1999 annual meeting:
  • Lodging deadline (Stanley Hotel):
  February 27
  • Meeting registration deadline:
  March 12
  • Abstract deadline:
  March 19
  • Meeting dates:
  April 28 to May 1
  • Opening Reception:
  evening of April 27
  • Banquet:
  evening of April 29


Estes Park Meeting Information

Source for Latest Information
The latest meeting details are posted to the DDA Estes Park meeting page as they come in.

Where & When
The 1999 DDA meeting will be held at the Stanley Hotel and Conference Center in beautiful Estes Park, Colorado, from April 28 to May 1, with a reception on the evening of the 27th and a banquet the evening of the 29th. Estes Park is about 75 miles by car from Denver International Airport.

Two maps are available:

Invited Speakers
  • Sverre Aarseth
Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge From NBODY1 to NBODY6: The Growth of an Industry (Brouwer Award)
  • Alan Boss
DTM Carnegie Institution of Washington Binary Star Formation in Magnetic Molecular Clouds
  • Martin Duncan
Dept. of Physics, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario Planetesimal Dynamics and the Formation of Uranus and Neptune
  • Matt Holman
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA Dynamical Chaos in the Solar System: Past, Current and Future Research
  • Ivan King
Dept. of Astronomy, UC Berkeley HST Internal Proper Motions in Globular Clusters
  • George Lake
Dept. of Astronomy, University of Washington, Seattle Assessing the Limits of N-body Simulations of Clusters of Galaxies
  • Jerry Sellwood
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University Transient Spiral Patterns - Support from HIPPARCOS
  • Bill Ward
Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, Colorado Time & Tides: An Historical Perspective of the Solar System (Banquet Talk)

When: Thursday, April 29, reception starting at 6:30 pm
Where: The Stanley Hotel
How Much: $45 per person
How do I sign up? On the meeting registration form

Lodging & Travel
  • Lodging information can be found on the DDA web site at the URL


  • Lodging deadline: We have reserved a block of rooms at the Stanley Hotel, but that block goes away after February 27. To be guaranteed a room at the DDA block rates, you must make reservations before the end of February. For reservations at the Stanley Hotel, call 800-976-1377 and mention that you're with the DDA.

  • The taxi/shuttle service for Estes Park is Emerald Taxi. Call 970-586-1991 for reservations (note that the Denver Internation Airport web site indicates that Emerald's phone number is 970-586-1992). One-way fares are $30 per person, and advance reservations are REQUIRED. Departure from DIA is on Level 5 at Door 511 on the East side of the terminal. Passengers are asked to be ready 30 minutes before scheduled pickup.

  • For car rentals, see the Denver International Airport car rental page, at URL


    There you will find a list of phone numbers for all of the major rental companies.

  • Please note the abstract deadline: March 19, 1999. In keeping with recent AAS policy (and due to the fact that nobody sent abstracts via snail mail the previous two years), all 1999 DDA meeting abstracts MUST be submitted electronically. The URL for submissions via the web is


    (Please note that this abstract submission form will be available after February 5.)

  • Abbreviated instructions:
    • Go to http://www.aas.org/~abstract/abstracts.html.
    • Click on the "I want to use the Web form" button.
    • Select "DDA 1999".
    • Fill in the number of authors and the number of collaborations/teams.
    • Click on the "Create an abstract form for me!" button.
    • Fill in the form.
  • Help may be obtained via the help page link on the form, or from abs-help@aas.org
  • There is no separate charge for submitting an abstract. The abstract fee is included in the meeting registration fee.
  • Detailed instructions for electronic abstract submission are shown below.

    Meeting Registration Form
    The meeting registration form is available at


    Instructions, fees, etc. are listed on the form. Please print it out and mail it along with your check to the address specified near the top of the form.

    A few important particulars:

    • Registration Deadline: March 12, 1999
    • Registration Fee: $70
    • Late Registration Fee: $85
    • Banquet Fee: $45

    NOTE: A copy of the form is reproduced below.

    Estes Park Area Information and Attractions
    Local information about the Estes Park area can be found at the URL


    For Colorado information, visit the URL


    Contact Info
    1999 Meeting Organizing Committee:
    Hal Levison Local Host hal@gort.boulder.swri.edu
    Stan Peal DDA Vice-Chair peale@io.ucsb.edu
    Marc Murison DDA Secretary murison@aa.usno.navy.mil
  • [Top]

    Student Stipend Awards

    The DDA is again providing up to two $400 stipends each on a competitive basis to students attending the 1999 DDA meeting in Estes Park. (See http://dda.harvard.edu/ddastip99.html for information about the stipend program.) The applications for the 1999 meeting are now under review. The applicants will be notified by e-mail, and the stipend will be presented to the recipient(s) at the meeting.


    1999 Elections Notice

    Just a reminder that you should be receiving the 1999 Election Ballot and candidate statements the week of March 15 (in accordance with the DDA bylaws). When you receive your ballot, please mark it and return it promptly in a signed envelope. Results will be announced via email a few days before the meeting (as well as at the meeting).


    DDA Web Site

    The Division has a very useful web site. The URL is


    Please update your bookmarks accordingly. We owe many thanks to Doug Mink for the clean and friendly site design and for continuing to maintain it for the Division. Take a few moments and explore our web site!

    If you know of any interesting web sites related to dynamical astronomy, send the URL to Doug Mink, dmink@cfa.harvard.edu for inclusion on our page of links.


    Meeting Registration Form

                          1999 AAS/DDA Meeting Registration Form
                          The Stanley Hotel and Conference Center
                                    Estes Park, Colorado
                                  28 April to 1 May, 1999
    Please return this form, with your check made payable to Southwest Research 
    Institute, by March 12, 1999, to:
           DDA Meeting Registration
           c/o Southwest Research Institute
           Suite 426
           1050 Walnut Street
           Boulder, Colorado 80302
    Name:             _________________________________________________________
    Affiliation:      _________________________________________________________
    Mailing address:  _________________________________________________________
    Email Address:    _________________________________________________________
    Telephone number: _________________________________________________________
    ___ Yes, I plan to attend the 1999 DDA meeting.  The registration fee is $70.
    ___ Yes, I plan to attend the DDA banquet Thursday evening April 29.  The 
        banquet fee is $45 per person.
        I plan to bring ___ guest(s) to the banquet.
        I would like ___ vegetarian meal(s).
    Please enclose your check with this form and mail it to address above, 
    postmarked by March 12, 1999.  The late registration fee (after March 12),
    is $85. Checks should be made payable to: Southwest Research Institute.
    ___ Yes, I will be giving a 20 minute contributed paper
        (15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion).
    I will require the following presentation equipment:
    ___ 35 mm slide projector
    ___ 1 viewgraph machine
    ___ 2 viewgraph machines
    ___ Other (specify)
        (Please contact Hal Levison, hal@gort.boulder.swri.edu or 303-546-0290, 
        if you checked Other.)
    ___ Yes, I will present a poster paper,  Please note that you may give one 
        oral and/or one poster paper.  These may be on one or two subjects.  You
        may not give two oral papers. Display boards giving approximately 4'x4' 
        of display space will be provided.

    Electronic Abstract Submission Instructions

    Electronic Submission via the World Wide Web
    You can submit your abstract electronically just as for an AAS meeting anytime before March 19, 1999. There is a World Wide Web submission form available at the following URL:


    When you go to the above link, press the "I want to use the Web form" button, then select "DDA 1999", fill in the number of authors and number of collaborations, and press the "Create an abstract form for me!" button.

    If you have any questions about electronic submission while you are preparing your abstract, please contact the AAS Executive Office for assistance. You can call the office at 202-328-2010, or send email to abs-help@aas.org.

    Electronic Acknowledgment of Abstract Receipt
    Two acknowledgments are sent. The first is a copy of the submission sent within minutes to the submitter's browser. The second is sent to the first/presenting author's email address, it confirms acceptance and includes a running identification number.

    If you do not receive these confirmations, DO NOT RESUBMIT THE ABSTRACT. Please contact the Executive Office by calling 202-328-2010 or by sending email to abs-help@aas.org.

    Corrections to your Abstract
    If you notice an error in your abstract after submission, send details of the correction to abs-help@aas.org and the correction will be made for you. We cannot guarantee that corrections received after the abstract deadline will be processed.
    NOTE: If you do not have access to the Web, the AAS Executive Office will make arrangements to include your abstract. Please contact them for assistance, 202-328-2010, or send email to abs-help@aas.org.

    [Top] [Estes Park AAS/DDA Meeting]

    DDA Secretary