DDA Homepage

AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy

Newsletter 79, February 1995


Bylaws Changes
1995 Meeting in Yosemite Park
Conference Lodging
Abstract Submission
Nominations for DDA Officers
Calgary Meeting Binary Stars in Clusters
List of Attendees for Yosemite


The DDA Committee approved a proposed set of changes to the DDA Bylaws at its 1994 meeting. These changes and a ballot were distributed with the last Newsletter. A total of 43 Bylaws changes ballots were returned to the secretary. There were 40 votes in favor of the changes and 3 votes against. The revised Bylaws are now official.
[Issue 79 Table of Contents]


The DDA regular meeting for 1995 will be held in the Yosemite Lodge in the park, on Monday through Wednesday, April 24-26, 1995. The Committee meeting will be held on Sunday, the 23rd. Roy Laubscher is the local host. He, Phil Ianna, and Art Whipple will act as the organizing committee. Abstracts of invited and contributed talks will be published in the Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. The abstract deadline is 20 March 1995.

Chris Hunter will give his Brouwer Award lecture entitled "Bending Waves in Flattened Stellar Systems." Ray Duncombe will be the banquet speaker and will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the DDA with a history of the Division. Bob Hanson will give an invited lecture entitled "The Lick Northern Proper Motion (NPM) Catalogs: A Database for Galactic Studies" and Jeff Cuzzi will give an invited lecture entitled "Planetary Rings Update."

Yosemite is, of course, one of the jewels of the national park system. There are tremendous opportunities for hiking, camping, rock climbing, bus and tram tours, bicycling, ranger walks, and horse back riding. Details about the park and activities can be obtained by asking for the vacation planning materials from Yosemite reservations at (209) 252-4848. This will be a perfect meeting to bring your family. In late April the weather can be wet and/or cold so one should prepare accordingly.

We had good response to the request in the last Newsletter for an indication from people as to whether or not they intended to come to this meeting. 25 people have said that they intend to come and another 4 have said that they may attend. A list of these people, along with any available information on the talk(s) they may give, appears at the end of this Newsletter.
[Issue 79 Table of Contents]

Lodging Arrangements

Roy has made a block reservation for 60 rooms at the Lodge and 5 rooms at the Ahwahnee Hotel for the nights of April 23-26. The room block hold does not expire until 30 days prior to the meeting. Reservations for the blocked rooms are to be made by returning the registration form that was included with the last Newsletter to Yosemite Concessions Services Corp. by March 23. If you need another copy of the form please contact Art Whipple. Availability of rooms in the park outside the meeting dates is very limited. Try contacting Yosemite reservations at (209) 252-4848. You may also check with Roy for a list of nearby hotels outside the park. If you make reservations through Yosemite reservations, outside the block reservations, please send your plans to Roy so that he can make sure that the DDA gets credit for your reservation.

Please return the attached meeting registration form to Roy by March 20. The meeting registration fee is $25. The banquet fee is $30. Meals can be purchased in the Lodge for the customary restaurant prices. Picnicking supplies are readily available in the valley and can save the expense of some restaurant meals.

Members can fly into either San Francisco or, better yet, into Fresno. Yosemite is a four hour drive from San Francisco and a one and a half hour drive from Fresno. Once arrived at the Lodge in Yosemite Valley, a car is not necessary since there is excellent shuttle service around the valley; therefore participants can save money by car pooling.
[Issue 79 Table of Contents]


You have three options for submitting your abstract.

Electronic Submission

You can submit your abstract electronically just as for a AAS meeting anytime before March 20. An electronic abstract template is available through an anonymous FTP logon at the AAS Executive Office. To retrieve the abstract materials, use the following procedure:

(Assuming your prompt is $)

$ ftp blackhole.aas.org
Username: anonymous
ftp> cd meetings/abstracts
ftp> mget *
ftp> bye
If your computer does not know about blackhole.aas.org, try typing the number [] on the FTP command line. Complete instructions for using an anonymous FTP logon are also included in the Electronic Mail Guide in the 1994 Membership Directory. If you have any questions about electronic submission while you are preparing your abstract, please contact the Executive Office for assistance. You can call the office at 202-328-2010, or send an e- mail message to abs-help@aas.org.

Mark Abstract "DDA"

When you fill out the abstract template, be sure to indicate that your abstract is for the DDA meeting, NOT the AAS 186th meeting in Pittsburg. To do this, type DDA in the /societysig line. It should look like the following:

/societysig{DDA}                                   %OPTIONAL
You can also type any special instructions in the /instructions line on the template.

Electronic Acknowledgment of Abstract Receipt

When you submit your abstract electronically, you should receive two e-mail confirmations of its receipt. After your e-mail message has been received at the Executive Office and has been identified as an abstract, you should get a message from the AAS computer advising you that the abstract has been received; this should happen promptly, typically within minutes of the message's arrival. The abstract message will be held for further processing.

Incoming abstracts are usually processed within 24 hours. The abstracts are accepted and assigned running identification numbers during this stage, and you should receive a second message confirming the acceptance of your abstract and notifying you of the running number. If you do not receive a confirmation, DO NOT RESUBMIT THE ABSTRACT. Please contact the Executive Office by calling 202-328-2010 or by sending e-mail to abs-help@aas.org. If you submit the abstract more than once, you are likely to be charged more than once as well. Contacting the Executive Office will help avoid this inconvenience.

Submitting Electronic Abstracts for More than One Author

If you are submitting abstracts for a group of people in your institution, please DO NOT submit them in the same e-mail message. We do require separate e-mail messages for all abstracts. If you include more than one abstract in an e-mail message, the additional abstracts are likely to remain unprocessed.

Get the Abstract Form Electronically

You can get a postscript file of the abstract form and instructions directly from the AAS FTP server. The following instructions will allow you to access it.

(Assuming your prompt is $)

$ ftp blackhole.aas.org
username:  anonymous
password:  your e-mail address
ftp> cd /divisions
ftp> get ddaform.ps
ftp> quit
Print the form on your own laserwriter and fill it out just as you would for the old printed forms.

Get the Abstract Form by Regular Mail

As a last resort, a printed form may be obtained from the DDA Secretary. This costs the Division money so please use one of the other two methods if possible.

Printed abstract forms should be sent to: Dr. Art Whipple, McDonald Observatory, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1083
[Issue 79 Table of Contents]


The nominating committee of Alice Monet (past Chair), Sethanne Howard, and Bill Kaula has presented the following slate of nominees for the coming year.
Chair:       Phil Ianna - University of Virginia
Vice Chair:  Chris Hunter - Florida State University
             Barbara Schreur - Texas A&M University-Kingsville 

Division Committee:
             Harold F. Levison - Southwest Research Institute
             Jay H. Lieske - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
             Doug Mink - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
             Jane Morrison - University of Florida
             Judit Ries - University of Texas at Austin
             Carol Williams - University of South Florida
Additional nominations for specific offices or positions are acceptable if signed by at least 12 DDA members and if received by the Division Secretary at the above address no later than 9 March 1995. The ballot will be mailed out in late March.

Once elected, the new Committee members will replace George Benedict, Tom Corbin, and Joel Tohline whose terms of office will terminate after they attend the April 1995 Committee and Business meetings. The terms of office for John Chandler, Paul Chodas, and Roy Laubscher will continue through 1995.
[Issue 79 Table of Contents]


A meeting on the 'Origins, Evolution, and Destinies of Binary Stars in Clusters' is to be held in Calgary, Alberta, June 18-23, 1995. Details can be found on the WWW pages: http://algol.iras.ucalgary.ca/announce.html or further details, including registration & accommodation forms can be obtained from: E. F. Milone: milone@acs.ucalgary.ca or from: Dirk Terrell: terrell@algol.iras.ucalgary.ca. The WWW pages also contain the layout of the campus housing rooms & suites). Here is a short excerpt from the Justification pages of the WWW, giving the relevance to dynamical studies:

It has become clear over the past few years that the role played by binary stars in the dynamical evolution of star clusters is critical (see, for example the major summary by Hut 104, 981, 1992). Both open and globular star clusters have been the objects of recent studies of the relationship between binary stars and the 'blue stragglers' (stars that are too blue for their luminosities, if normal evolution of single stars had produced them). The merged products of binary star evolution may be possible paths to these and related anomalous objects. In any case, the dynamical evolution of systems influences their environments and vice versa; the results of these enquiries are important for understanding the existence and role of the objects as standard candles. Thus the meeting has ramifications beyond the subject areas.
[Issue 79 Table of Contents]


People who plan to attend:
George F. Benedict    oral      Astrometric planet search with HST 
Alan Boss             oral      Formation of multiple protostellar systems 
Tom Corbin            oral      Observations of Solar System objects at the USNO 
Jeff Cuzzi            invited  Planetary Rings Update 
Ray Duncombe 
Alan Fiala 
Otto Franz            poster   TBA
S.J. Goldstein        oral     On the flux of millimetric space debris 
Robert Hanson         invited  The Lick Northern Proper Motion (NPM)
                               Catalogs: A Database for Galactic Studies
Chris Hunter          Brouwer  Bending waves in flattened stellar  systems
Phil Ianna             
William Jefferys      poster   Optical field angle distortion for HST
Bill Kaula            oral     TBA
Roy Laubscher          
Jer-Chyi Liou         oral     Radiation force and solar wind drag in the
                               restricted three-body problem
                      poster   A study of the orbital evolution of micron-
                               sized asteroidal dust particles trapped in
                               the 1:1 mean motion resonance with Jupiter
Dick Miller           oral     TBA
Doug Mink             oral     TBA
John Ries              
Judit Gyorgyey Ries   oral     TBA
Barbara Schreur      
Peter Shelus           
Larry Taff            oral     The Discovery of A Magnitude Term in
                               Schmidt plates
Peter Vandervoort     oral     TBA
Art Whipple           oral     TBA

People who may attend:

Alice Monet          
Jane Morrison         oral     Re-reduction of the Southern Polar
                               Zone of the Yale Photographic Catalog
J.D. Mulholland       oral     European tests of orbital debris detection
Martin Slade         

[DDA] [DDA Newsletters] [Issue 79 Table of Contents]