One of the pieces that I recevied from Roy Laubscher for the DDA archives is a print of the group photo from the very first meeting at Austin in January 1970.
See how the members have changed over the years. I was in my first year of Junior High, so I didn't attend even though I was also in Texas.
Here is a realy big 1541× 1200 (157KB) copy of the photo.
I have tried to identify as many of the paricipants as I can, but many are unknown to me. I have prepared an index of the participants and would like help in naming everybody in the photo.
Here are the people identified so far.
If you can identify someone in this photo or if I have misidentified someone please email me and let me know. I would like to be able to identify everyone before I send it to the permanent archives.
Last Modified: October 22, 1999