DDA2008 logo

American Astronomical Society
Division on Dynamical Astronomy
Boulder, Colorado Meeting
April 28 - May 1 2008

[Schedule] [PDF] [Local Accommodations]
[Invited Speakers] [Directions]
The 2008 Meeting of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy will be held April 28 through May 1, 2008, in Boulder, Colorado. The annual DDA Meeting brings together top researchers in astronomy, astrophysics, planetary science and astrodynamics for in-depth and stimulating discussions and talks on all aspects of dynamics in the space sciences. The DDA meeting features invited talks on a range of topics, contributed talks (with no parallel sessions), and posters that usually can be displayed throughout the entire meeting.

Download the schedule of talks in PDF format.     Download the program with abstracts in PDF format.     View photo of NCAR tour group


Abstracts: Midnight EDT, Friday, 21 March 2008.
To give a presentation at the Boulder Meeting, you must submit an abstract (300 word limit) through the AAS/OASIS abstract form. You may present two papers as long as one is oral and the other is a poster.
Click here to submit an abstract.
Browsable abstracts are now online at AAS.
The full program with abstracts in PDF format is here.

Registration: Midnight EDT, Friday, 11 April 2008 (just extended!)
Meeting advance registration fee was $275 for full price,
$125 for students by the registration deadline.
People can register at the meeting for $325 full, $150 students.
The conference banquet on Tuesday night, April 29, will be $50.
Register online or print, fill out and mail this PDF registration form.
(To register online, you would have had to log in to the AAS web
site after clicking on the link)

Hotel registration at our discounted rate: Wednesday, April 9.
The St. Julien >Hotel room rate is $155 + tax; however, we will pay $20/day, so actual rate is $135 + tax.
Reservations can be made at 877-303-0900 or by email. Attendees should mention AAS/DDA. The hotel web site is http://www.stjulien.com.

Student stipend applications: Midnight EST on Monday, March 3, 2008.
The winners are: Clement Baruteau (CEA) (Advisor, Frederic Masset)
Planetary migration in a self-gravitating gaseous disk
and Althea Moorhead (U. Michigan), (Advisor, Fred Adams)
Evolution of giant planet orbits in a turbulent circumstellar disk

Scientific Advisory Committee

Michael Efroimsky, US Naval Observatory (Chair)
William Ward, Southwest Research Institute
Marc Murison, US Naval Observatory

Local Organizing Committee

Luke Dones, Southwest Research Institute (Chair)
William Ward, Southwest Research Institute
Hal Levison, Southwest Research Institute
William Bottke, Southwest Research Institute
Diane Miller, Southwest Research Institute
Jeanette Thorn, Southwest Research Institute
Alessandro Morbidelli, Observatoire de la Co^te d'Azur


Southwest Research Institute
Space Science Institute (Boulder)
Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Ball Aerospace