37th Meeting of the
American Astronomical Society's
Division on Dynamical Astronomy
at Saint Mary's University,
June 25 - 29, 2006

Click here to go to Meeting web site at St. Mary's.

The DDA's mission is to advance all aspects of dynamical astronomy: celestial mechanics and planetary dynamics (including the dynamics of small bodies, planetary rings and satellites, extrasolar planets, etc.), star and planet formation, star clusters and stellar dynamics, the interstellar medium, hydrodynamics, galactic dynamics, cosmology, as well as coordinate systems and astrometry.
Accommodation Information: Hotel, Residence, and B&B's
Local Information: Local and Travel Information
Invited Speakers: Geoff Marcy, University of California - Berkeley,
Observed Properties of Multi-Planet Systems

Steve Majewski, University of Virginia,
Galactic Structure and Dynamics with Tidal Streams

Renu Malhotra, University of Arizona,
Secular Resonances in Planetary Systems

Mike A'Hearn, University of Maryland,
Deep Impact: Excavating Comet Tempel 1

Hugh Couchman, McMaster University,
On the Cusp of the Dark Matter

Paul Wiegert, University of Western Ontario,
The Quasi-Satellite Orbit: Theory and Examples

Brouwer Award Winner: James Williams (JPL)
Lunar Laser Ranging and the Evolution of Lunar Dynamics
Click here to see this presentation as a 2.44 megabyte PDF file
Program Committee: Steve Unwin (JPL), DDA Vice-Chair & Program Chair
Tom Statler (Ohio), DDA Chair
Marc Murison (USNO), DDA Secretary
Local Organizing Committee: Joe Hahn, (Saint Mary's University),
Matt Holman (CfA)
Program: PDF and html versions

To determine your presentation time, find your Session title in the abstract list. Then use the Session schedule to determine your speaking time.

Reception: Sunday June 25 at 7-10pm in the Tradewinds Harbour Lounge at the Westin Hotel
Banquet: The Chef's Room (which shares its kitchen and menu with the The Five Fishermen Restaurant), located at 1739 Grafton Street. The banquet will be on Tuesday  June 27th at around 7pm. Google map.

Banquet Keynote Speaker: Dr. John Reid, Department of History at Saint Mary's University. The title of Dr. Reid's talk is: "1606 and All That: Misery and Good Cheer in the History of Atlantic Canada".

Travel Support: CITA and Saint Mary's have provided some funds to partially subsidize travel expenses for a limited number of students and postdocs. All students should apply for the DDA Student Stipend Award, while postdocs should send a brief email by May 19th to Joe Hahn, describing their needs and with their conference abstract included.
Publication of Papers: The journal Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy (CM&DA) invites you to submit a paper on your DDA presentation for publication in a special issue of CM&DA. Further instructions are available at the journal.
Meeting Schedule: March 25: Online pre-registration opens---click "members.aas.org"
View a list of registered participants
online abstract submission begins--click "Start DDA37 Abstract"
(Note that DDA or AAS membership is not required)

May 19: Room block at the Westin Hotel expires

Online abstract submission is now closed.

However, late abstracts can be submitted for special consideration. Begin by following this link , clicking "Start DDA37 Late Abstract", and follow the instructions there. Then email a copy of your abstract to the Meeting Chair.

May 25: Room block at Saint Mary's Campus Residence expires

June 9: Last day for late online registration

June 16: Meeting program available online

June 25: DDA Committee meeting, reception, and onsite registration opens

June 26 - 29: Science sessions in room 255 of the Sobey Building (SB). Please see the SMU campus map. Poster sessions will be in the Sobey Lobby, with a daily continental breakfast served there.

June 29: Close of meeting

Oral and Poster Presentations Instructions for oral and poster talks
Sponsors: Saint Mary's University,

Department of Astronomy & Physics


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