2002 AAS/DDA meeting
Banquet Selections |
If you have special dietary needs (e.g. vegetarian, kosher, or other), please let us know and the kitchen will accompdate your needs.
Since we have a choice, please make a choice! Clip the form below and reply to me, awharris@lithos.jpl.nasa.gov, with your banquet preference.
REMEMBER, YOU MUST PRE-RESERVE BOTH THE BANQUET ($50) AND THE MONDAY NIGHT BUFFET ($30). By the time you arrive on Sunday it will be past the deadline for providing final counts to the Lodge.
Clip here and return to awharris@lithos.jpl.nasa.gov.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME:______________________________ BANQUET CHOICE: _____SALMON _____CLAMS ______ROAST PORK -------------------------------------------------------------------- *******************************************************************