AAS/DDA - Yosemite Meeting
April 9 - 12, 2000


$80 until March 9, 2000, $95 afterward

The fee for the banquet on the evening of Tuesday, April 11, is $40 per person.

Register by Mail

Download the form in one of the following formats:
[Postscript] [Microsoft Word 6] [Adobe Acrobat] Get Acrobat Reader

Please return the form, with your check made payable to Roy E. Laubscher, by 9 March 2000 to:
Roy E. Laubscher
7321 Padova Drive
Goleta, CA 93117-1320

Address Questions To Roy Laubscher

  • at the address above
  • by voice at (805) 968-7473
  • by email at laubcorp@impulse.net.

    On-site Registration

    Saturday: Informally upon Roy's arrival sometime before noon
    Sunday: Meeting room (the Cliff/Falls room) as soon as it is open through the meeting and reception.
    Last revised 24 January 2000 by Doug Mink, dmink@cfa.harvard.edu
    [DDA] [DDA Meetings]