AAS/DDA - Yosemite Meeting
April 9 - 12, 2000


Please note the abstract deadline: March 2, 2000.

In keeping with recent AAS policy (and due to the fact that nobody sent DDA abstracts via snail mail the previous three years), all 2000 DDA meeting abstracts MUS T be submitted electronically. The URL for submissions via the web is


There is no separate charge for submitting an abstract. The abstract fee is included in the meeting registration fee.

After 2 March 2000, abstracts can not be submitted through the AAS Executive Office. The web form will not be accessible. Late abstracts will be accepted at the discretion of Joe Burns, DDA Vice Chair, jab16@cornell.edu.

Abbreviated Instructions

Help may be obtained via the help page link on the form, or from abs-help@aas.org

Detailed Instructions

Submission via the World Wide Web

You can submit your abstract electronically just as for an AAS meeting anytime before March 2, 2000. There is a World Wide Web submission form available at the following URL:


When you go to the above link, press the "I want to use the Web form" button, then select "DDA 2000", fill in the number of authors and number of collaborations, and press the "Create an abstract form for me!" button.

If you have any questions about electronic submission while you are preparing your abstract, please contact the AAS Executive Office for assistance. You can call the office at 202-328-2010, or send email to abs-help@aas.org.

Acknowledgment of Abstract Receipt

Two acknowledgments are sent. The first is a copy of the submission sent within minutes to the submitter's browser. The second is sent to the first/presenting author's email address, it confirms acceptance and includes a running identification number.

If you do not receive these confirmations, DO NOT RESUBMIT THE ABSTRACT. Please contact the Executive Office by calling 202-328-2010 or by sending email to abs-help@aas.org.

Corrections to your Abstract

If you notice an error in your abstract after submission, send details of the correction to abs-help@aas.org and the correction will be made for you. We cannot guarantee that corrections received after the abstract deadline will be processed.

No Web Access

NOTE: If you do not have access to the Web, the AAS Executive Office will make arrangements to include your abstract. Please contact them for assistance, 202-328-2010, or send email to abs-help@aas.org.

Last revised 1 March 2000 by Doug Mink, dmink@cfa.harvard.edu

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