with Al Harris
My usual itinerary includes one night camped at the trailhead for an early morning start into the canyon, and 4 nights at the bottom. This allows easy first and third days on the bottom and a more strenuous hike to the river the second day, then back out on the fourth day, with time to drive back to Flagstaff. This would imply starting on Tuesday, April 8 (camp on rim), and arrive in Flagstaff Sunday night, April 13, although the dates could be moved a day earlier, if desired.
Necessary gear includes hiking boots, a good backpack, lightweight tent and sleep- ing bag, and some backpack stove and cookware (less than one/person required). I expect there are outfitters in Flagstaff where one can rent necessary items, but I have an excess of some equipment, so ask before renting. Also, I may be able to provide car transportation for a couple people, preferably starting from LA and continuing to Flagstaff (the trail head is between LA and Flagstaff).
Finally, for the not-so-hardy, pack animals can be rented to carry packs (or even passengers) in or out, and there is helicopter service available to the village, for the truly wimpy. Fares are ~$50 one way, helicopter or horse, one passenger or 4 packs per horse. Camp fees on the bottom run about $50 per person for the 4 nights. There is a small hotel and a restaurant in the village.
If you are interested in this trip, please contact me by about November, as reservations should be made by the end of the year. I can provide further information, pictures, contacts, etc. on request.
Al Harris awharris@lithos.jpl.nasa.gov