E. Myles Standish: 2000 Brouwer Award Winner
Celestial mechanics was the first quantitative physical science and
remains one of the most successful and accurate. E. Myles Standish has
led the development of the JPL planetary ephemerides, requiring in-depth
knowledge of reference frames, astrometry, celestial mechanics,
numerical integration techniques, estimation theory, error analysis, and
data reduction. He has pioneered the use of unique data sets to improve
the accuracy of the ephemerides. The JPL ephemerides provide
international standards for spacecraft navigation, almanacs, historical
astronomy, solar system tests of gravity theories, pulsar timing, and
quantitative studies of long-term solar system dynamics. Standish and
his colleagues have used these extraordinarily careful and accurate
ephemerides to measure the masses of minor planets, to demonstrate that
there is no dynamical evidence for Planet X, and to tie together the
solar system and extragalactic reference frames with unprecedented
accuracy. His classical escape criterion for the three-body problem has
been incorporated in N-body codes for decades. His remarkable work has
been of great service to the astronomical community, especially NASA's
program of solar system exploration. His ephemerides embody the finest
craftsmanship of our discipline, and in a very real sense are the crown
jewel of celestial mechanics.
[Brouwer Awards]