Officers and Committee


Chair: Phil Nicholson (Cornell)
Vice Chair: Tom Statler (Ohio University)
Secretary: Marc Murison (USNO)
Treasurer: Pete Shelus (Univ. of Texas at Austin)

Division Committee

2004-2006 Martin Bureau (Columbia)
Douglas P. Hamilton (U. Maryland)
Stephen L.W. McMillan (Drexel U.)
2003-2005 Luis Aguilar (UNAM)
Dick French (Wellesley)
James Hilton (USNO)

Nominating Committee

William I.Newman (UCLA) (Chair (Previous DDA Chair))
Bill van Altena (Yale)
James Binney (Oxford)

Brouwer Award Selection Committee

Donald Yeomans (JPL) (Chair)
Robin M. Canup (SWRI)
Alessandro Morbidelli (Local Host) (Cote d'Azur)
Phil Nicholson (Cornell) (DDA Chair)
William Ward (SWRI) (previous BA winner)

Committee on Student Participation

Dan Scheeres (U. Michigan) (Chair)
David Merritt (Rutgers)
Dick French (Wellesley)

Archives Committee

James L. Hilton (USNO)
Alan D. Fiala (USNO)

2005 Meeting Organizing Committee

Roy Laubscher (Local Host) (MDNTS)
Tom Statler (Ohio University)
Marc Murison (USNO)