Bylaws currently in effect as of July 2009, with two proposed changes in Section VI
indicated (in blue) that have been approved by the AAS Council and now require final
acceptance by DDA membership.
I. Name
This Division of the American Astronomical Society
(hereinafter called the "Society") shall be known as the "Division on
Dynamical Astronomy".
II. Object
The object of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy
(hereinafter called "the Division") shall be the advancement of all
aspects of dynamical astronomy, including celestial mechanics, solar
system dynamics, stellar dynamics, the dynamics of the interstellar
medium and galactic dynamics, and coordination of such research with
other branches of science.
III. Enabling Authority
Article VIII of the Society Bylaws,
as revised in 1973 and as may be subsequently revised or amended, is
hereby incorporated into these Bylaws by reference.
IV. Membership
Full Membership in the Division is
open to all members of the American Astronomical Society by
application to the Secretary of the Division and by payment of the
first year's dues and such enrollment fee as may be adopted by the
Committee. A member of the Division may resign from the Division by
notifying the Secretary. Membership in the Division is contingent
upon continuing membership in the Society and upon payment of such
annual dues as the Division shall assess.
Affiliate Membership in the Division is provided for persons who
are not members of the American Astronomical Society, but who are
members of another recognized professional organization with
interests related to dynamical astronomy. An application for
Affiliate Membership shall be sponsored by at least two regular
members of the Division, and it shall be submitted to the Secretary
of the Division. Whenever the total of Affiliate Members exceeds one
third of the total of the regular Members of the Division, the
applications shall be held in abeyance by the Secretary in the order
in which they are received. otherwise, each application shall be
submitted in order to the Committee of the Division for approval or
disapproval.Affiliate Members shall have all the rights, privileges
and responsibilities of regular Members, except that they may not
hold any office in the Division. An Affiliate Membership shall be
terminated upon nonpayment of dues to the Division or upon written
request to the Secretary by the individual.
Any person of outstanding accomplishment in the area of
dynamical astronomy may be elected an Honorary Member by the
Committee upon nomination by two or more Full or Affiliate Members of
the Division. Membership in the Society is not required. Recipients
of the Brouwer Award are automatically designated Honorary Members.
The total number of Honorary Members cannot exceed one sixth of the
total Membership in the Division. Dues are waived for Honorary
Members. Should Honorary Members choose to pay dues, they shall have
all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of Full Members.
V. Officers and Committee of the Division
Committee of the Division (hereinafter called "the Committee") shall
consist of the officers of the Division, the past Chair whose term
has most recently expired (provided the full term was completed), and
six elected Committee members. All members of the Committee shall be
members of the Division and the Society. The Committee shall have
general charge of the affairs of the Division and, through the Chair
or Secretary, shall report the activities of the Division to the
Council of the Society. The Committee may set an enrollment fee for
new members, annual dues for all members, registration fees for
meetings of the Division, or any combination of such fees and dues.
The officers of the Committee and of the Division shall be a
Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. In addition to the
duties specifically assigned to them by these Bylaws, the officers
shall discharge the other duties usually incident to their respective
The Chair shall call all meetings of the Committee and shall
preside at all those meetings at which he/she is present. With the
advice and consent of the Committee, the Chair shall appoint any
special committees which are necessary to conduct the affairs of the
Division. The current Chair shall be an ex officio member of each
special committee except the Nominating Committee.
The Vice-Chair may act for the Chair at the latter's request and
shall act for the Chair in the event that the latter is
The Secretary shall send out necessary notices and announcements
to the members of the Committee and to members of the Division.
Announcements of meetings of the Division shall be prepared by the
Secretary and transmitted to the appropriate officer of the Society
for publication and distribution to all Society members, at least
nine weeks before the date of each meeting. The Secretary shall
assist the Committee or the Program Committee with arrangements for
the meeting and for the publication, if any, of the proceedings. The
Secretary shall also prepare minutes of each meeting of the
Committee, and of the business sessions of the Division, and submit
these minutes to each member of the outgoing and incoming Committee
and to the Secretary of the Society within three weeks after each
meeting. Within five days after each meeting, the Secretary shall
transmit final abstracts of the papers to the appropriate officer of
the Society for publication by the Society.
The Treasurer shall collect such enrollment fees and divisional
dues as may be set by the Committee, and handle funds and make
disbursements in accordance with the budget approved by the
Committee. The Treasurer shall submit to the Committee an annual
financial report which, after approval by auditors appointed by the
Chair from the members of the Division, shall be submitted to the
Council of the Society.
The Committee shall meet at least once each year. A request in
writing from at least three members of the Committee shall render a
convocation of an additional meeting of the Committee obligatory. Any
member of the Committee unable to attend the meeting shall have the
privilege of naming an alternate to the meeting without vote, subject
to the approval of the Chair. At any meeting of the Committee, six of
its voting members shall constitute a quorum. A minimum of three
weeks notice will be given Committee members when calling a meeting
of the Committee.
VI. Election and Tenure of Officers and Committee Members
The terms of office for officers and committee members
shall be one year for Chair and Vice-Chair, three years for Secretary
and Treasurer, and two years for Committee members, three Committee
members being elected each year. The term year shall be
construed as running from 1 July to 30 June. At the end of the
Chair's term of office, the Vice-Chair elected by the membership
shall normally become a candidate for Chair. Except for Secretary and
Treasurer, no member of the Committee is eligible for renomination to
the same category of position until having been out of office one
year. Neither a Secretary nor a Treasurer may serve more than two
consecutive terms.
At the discretion of the Committee, the positions of Secretary
and Treasurer may be combined to form a Secretary-Treasurer position
to be held by a single individual. Similarly, the Committee may split
the Secretary-Treasurer position into separate Secretary and
Treasurer positions.
At each regular meeting of the Division, the Chair of the
Division shall, with the advice and consent of the Committee, appoint
a Chair and two members of a Nominating Committee to serve
until the next regular meeting. The Past Chair of the Division, when
available, shall normally chair the Nominating Committee. No more
than one member of the Nominating Committee shall be a member of
either the old or the new Committee of the new member of a Nominating Committee.
This individual shall not be a member of the new Committee of the
Division, or a new Officer. The term of members of the Nominating
Committee shall be three years, beginning after the meeting at which
they are appointed. The longest-serving member of the Nominating
Committee shall serve as its Chair.
No later than sixteen weeks before the regular meeting, the
Nominating Committee shall submit to the Secretary nominations of at
least one candidate for each vacancy for an officer and at least two
for each vacancy for Committee member. The Nominating Committee shall
have ascertained the willingness of its nominees to serve if elected.
If the incumbent Vice-Chair is unable or unwilling to assume the
office of Chair, or if the incumbent Vice-Chair was appointed by the
Committee, the Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one
candidate for the office of Chair. The Secretary shall report the
list of nominations to all members of the Division at least thirteen
weeks before the regular meeting.
Any member of the Division proposed as a candidate for officer
or Committee member by petition of not fewer than 12 members of the
Division, at least eleven weeks before the regular meeting, shall be
deemed to be nominated to the post provided the nominee has stated to
the Secretary a willingness to serve if elected.
The Nominating Committee should strive to keep both disciplinary
and geographic balance on the Division Committee. The Division
Committee may, at its discretion, instruct the Nominating Committee
to make its nominations in such a form that each nominee is a
candidate for a particular seat on the Division Committee.
Full members and Affiliate members of the Division are eligible
to vote in the election of Officers. The Secretary of the Division
shall prepare a ballot containing the names of all candidates
nominated according to Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article. The ballot
and the candidates' brief biographies and position statements shall
be distributed by the Secretary by email to all members of the
Division not later than ten weeks before the regular meeting. If
a member does not have an email address, the Secretary shall send him
or her the ballot by regular mail. The nominees for each position
shall be listed in alphabetical order without indication of the
method of nomination. Each member may cast one vote for each post of
the Committee to be filled and shall return the ballot to the
Secretary not later than nine weeks before the regular meeting. All
communications relating to the election may be carried out by mail,
fax or other electronic means, as instructed in the Secretary's
distribution of the ballot. The ballots are to be counted by the
Secretary plus one other Division member as appointed by the Chair.
If a tally disagreement should occur, a second Division member may be
appointed and/or the Chair will scrutinize the ballots. Election
shall be by plurality of those voting, and the Chair's ballot will
be set aside to be used only to break a tie vote. The Secretary shall
report the results of the election to the Division members not later
than eight weeks before the regular meeting. The retiring Chair shall
report the results of the election to the the Secretary of the
Society not more than one week after the regular meeting.
If the Nominating Committee or the Secretary fails to meet the
schedule specified in Sections 3, 4, and 6, this fact shall be
reported to the members of the Division, and the incumbent Division
Committee shall continue in office until the procedure specified in
Sections 3, 4, and 6 can be completed. A new Committee elected under
the provisions of this Section shall take office immediately upon the
determination of the results of the election.
The tenure of members of the Committee shall begin on 1 July
following the regular meeting at which they are elected. An outgoing
Secretary or Treasurer shall, however, remain responsible for
statutory reports relative to the meeting at which his/her tenure
If a vacancy occurs in the Committee, the Committee may appoint
a member of the Division, to serve on the Committee until the next
regular election, at which time the vacancy shall be filled by the
regular procedure.
VII. Meetings of the Division
A meeting of the Division to be known as the regular meeting shall
be held each year at such time and place as shall be decided by the
Committee. This meeting shall include a business session, designated
the Annual Business Meeting, devoted exclusively to the reports of
officers and committees, and to the transaction of business affairs.
No scientific program of the Division shall be presented
simultaneously with the business session.
Meetings of the Division other than the regular meeting may be
scheduled by the Committee. Special conferences or symposia, when
designated as being wholly or jointly sponsored by the Division,
shall be announced to all members of the Division and of the Society
and shall be open to all individuals who have the right to attend a
regular meeting of the Division.
The dates and places of all meetings of the Division shall be
chosen in consultation with the Council of the Society, or with an
officer designated by the Council.
All meetings of the Division shall be open to all members of the
American Astronomical Society and to such other categories of
participants and individuals as designated by the Committee, or by
delegation, the Program Committee.
VIII. Appointed Special Committees
The Chair, with the advice and consent of the Committee of the
Division, shall appoint the Nominating Committee, which shall have
such duties as are specified in Article VI of these Bylaws, and such
other special committees as conditions may demand.
All appointed special committees shall be considered to be
automatically discharged at the close of the regular meeting next
following their appointment unless specifically continued at that
time by the Committee of the Division.
In case of vacancy on a committee, or the unwillingness of a
member to serve, the Chair shall appoint a new member and shall
inform the Division Committee of the action.
The Nominating Committee shall determine the slate of nominees for
each elected position in the Division and the willingness of nominees
to serve if elected.
The Brouwer Award Selection Committee (BASC) is constituted and
has the duties as assigned in the rules of the BASC.
IX. Programs
Meetings of the Division may include programs of invited papers,
contributed papers, or such other format as designed by the
Committee. The Committee may appoint a Program Committee and delegate
to it the planning of programs, the selection of papers to be placed
on the program, and arrangements for meetings.
The Committee of the Division shall require that abstracts for all
papers except for invited review lectures intended for presentation
at a meeting of the Division be submitted in accordance with
instructions of the Secretary of the Division. Within five days after
each such meeting, the Secretary shall transmit in final form the
abstracts so submitted to the appropriate officer of the Society for
The Division may hold joint meetings with other Divisions of the
Society as well as with other scientific groups.
X. Amendment of Bylaws
Proposals for amendments to these
Bylaws may be made by the Council of the Society, by the Committee of
the Division, or by a petition to the Chair of the Division by not
fewer than 15 members of the Division. After discussion of the
proposed amendment by the Committee, the Secretary shall distribute,
via electronic or other means, copies of the proposed amendment(s) to
the Division membership for review and comment. The proposed
amendment(s) shall also be reviewed and discussed at the next
Division business meeting. The proposed amendment(s) shall then be
distributed to the members of the Council of the Society for their
approval, not less than three weeks prior to the next meeting of the
Council. Upon approval of the amendment(s) by the Council of the
Society, the Secretary shall distribute ballots containing the final
wording of the proposed amendment(s), as approved by both the
Division Committee and the Council of the Society, to all members of
the Division who shall return their marked ballots by mail, fax or
other electronic means, as instructed in the Secretary's
distribution of the ballot, not later than four weeks after the date
of distribution of the ballot. The adoption of an amendment shall
require the affirmative vote of not fewer than two thirds of the
members voting. An amendment if passed shall be transmitted to the
Secretary of the Society.
XI. Suspension of the Bylaws
At the Regular Meeting, the chair may call for a two thirds vote
of the members present to suspend individual articles of these bylaws
until the next succeeding Regular Meeting.
At times other than the Regular Meeting, by a two thirds vote of
the Committee, the Chair may suspend individual articles of these
The Chair shall notify the Council of the Society of any
suspension of these bylaws.