Given arrays of "expected" and "measured" [x,y] coordinates, and a linear model relating them (as produced by slaFitxy), compute the array of "predicted" coordinates and the rms residuals.
np int number of samples xye double[np] expected [x,y] for each sample xym double[np] measured [x,y] for each sample coeffs double[6] coefficients of model (see below)
xyp double[np] predicted [x,y] for each sample *xrms double RMS in x *yrms double RMS in y *rrms double total RMS (vector sum of xrms and yrms) The model is supplied in the array coeffs. Naming the
coeffs[0] = a coeffs[1] = b coeffs[2] = c coeffs[3] = d coeffs[4] = e coeffs[5] = f
xp = a + b*xm + c*ym yp = d + e*xm + f*ym The residuals are (xp-xe) and (yp-ye). If np is less than or equal to zero, no coordinates are transformed, and the rms residuals are all zero. See also slaFitxy, slaInvf, slaXy2xy, slaDcmpf
slaXy2xy P.T.Wallace Starlink 31 October 1993