diffrtable - compute the difference of two starbase data table.
diffrtable table1 table2 [columns] [-o ofile]
diffrtable computes the difference of two tables over a set of columns. It subtracts the rows in table1 which are equal to rows in table2. There is no way to specify different column names for each of the two tables.
Difference of a table with itself is empty:
john@panic: diffrtable tab tab X Y Z - - -
Make a shorter table called gab. It has only one column. The difference of this tiny table and our original short table over the X column is one row where X == X. Order is important the output table only contains rows from table1.
john@panic : cat gab X - 1 5 john@panic : diffrtable tab gab X X Y Z - - - 8 9 0 john@panic : diffrtable gab tab X - 5