07 October 2005 INFRARED-OPTICAL TELESCOPE ARRAY (IOTA) OBSERVING PROPOSALS January through April 2006 ***************************************************************** Briefly: 1. Due date: noon (EST) on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 2. To submit a proposal, please follow the proposal guidelines at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/oir/IOTA/Schedules/ . 3. Three telescopes are in routine operation in phase-closure mode. The 3-beam integrated optics H-band combiner from Grenoble has achieved H=7. The 3-beam free-space RIJHK combiner is still under adjustment, and should not be counted on for the coming trimester. If you are considering the 2-beam asymmetric combiner, contact John Monnier (monnier@umich.edu) first. Two direct-view prisms for J and H have been tested, and software is being developed now; these will give about 3 pixels of dispersion across H-band for the small prism, and 7 pixels for the large prism. A Wollaston prism is available for observations in polarized light. The new star tracker from Lincoln Labs was improved to gives lower dark current and lower read noise. The frame grabber is available for star acquisition and alignment. An automatic alignment system has been built and is already available by manual control. **************************************************************** Comments: The IOTA consortium invites observing proposals for the IOTA interferometer on Mt. Hopkins, AZ. We welcome proposals from new or experienced IOTA observers. New observers should work with experienced ones on-site each night. For safety, no one should work alone at IOTA. Recognizing that SAO has a major investment in IOTA, we ask that scientific work with IOTA include SAO personnel as collaborators. Our web site has been updated, a complete list of IOTA-related papers added, and many papers made available on-line: http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/oir/IOTA/ . Instructions for operations are on this site as well. **************************************************************** People: * Dr. Marc Lacasse has been the resident IOTA engineer/scientist in Tucson since August 1995; Marc's first priority is to work towards making IOTA a facility-type instrument; his second priority is to assist observers. His Tucson office is at Steward Observatory 520-670-5750, his on-site phone is 520-670-6757, his beeper is 520-703-8976, and email is mlacasse@cfa.harvard.edu . * Dr. Peter Schuller joined the IOTA group in March 2003. He is responsible for the star-tracker and other projects, including the web site. Peter is at pschuller@cfa.harvard.edu or 617-495-7491 . * Dr. Ettore Pedretti is a Michelson post-doc at the University of Michigan, with Prof. John Monnier. He continues to advise and observe at IOTA. He is at 734-647-9767 or epedrett@umich.edu . * Dr. Herve Le Coroller joined the IOTA group in January 2005. He is based at the California Association for Research in Astronomy (CARA) in Kamuela, HI, working with Dr. Sam Ragland on the Mira Imaging Project. * Dr. Sam Ragland is now an Interferometry Scientist at the Keck Observatory. As PI for The Mira Imaging Project he will be at IOTA often. He is at 808-881-3516 or sragland@keck.hawaii.edu . * Dr. Lisa Kaltenegger received her PhD from Karl-Franzens University in Graz, Austria in 2004, and joined us at the CfA in January 2005, working on TPF science. She is at 617-495-7158 . **************************************************************** Questions? - Contact Wes Traub <wtraub%40jpl.nasa.gov> , tel 818-393-5508 or Peter Schuller <pschuller%40cfa.harvard.edu> , tel 617-495-7491 .